Hi Greg, just a quick email to let you know how much of a difference the new driver has made. It’s a different game when you hit the driver out of the sweet spot consistently, your fitting has definitely worked. I can feel where the club head and where the face is now thanks to your coaching. The TiC6 is surprisingly long too for so little effort. Two games in, hitting fairways in regulation, has made the game much more fun. Obviously more work to do, but you’ve found me a foundation to work from.
Over my 30+ years as a professional golfer i have been fitted for many sets. But nothing compares to the fit, build and performance of my KZG set built by Greg's team at Golfstix. Can not thank you enough! Member Aust PGA
I got a so called driver fitting at a leading retailer oh boy I was so Sales repped The only fairway I could hit was 50 meters to the side of me. Met Greg & Marie got a new shaft and now hitting further and straighter. Don’t waste your your money on new clubs until you have spoken to these guys
Here is a little update following your help with my putting. I persevered with the cross markings on the ball and absolutely trust that once i've aligned the line on the ball to my intended line of putt that the horizontal to my putter markings is of great importance. 26 putts yesterday and 41pts to get me back on track. I've also paid a lot more attention to the club face direction which has greatly improved. Thank you so much!
I have just won the overall nett champion at Sun City. Thanks heaps and I have recommended you.